
Austin Whitman

Austin Whitman is the CEO of The Change Climate Project. He started working on climate and clean energy 19 years ago and believes companies and individuals can make a huge difference for the climate if they're just shown how. When he's not engrossed in organization-building, he's probably with his family or being an amateur at one of his many hobbies.


How Do We Get Things Unstuck?

How do we motivate the people and businesses who want to act, but just don't know what to do? A three-part approach to mobilizing climate action, through advocacy, teaching, and just doing.

Austin Whitman
March 17, 2022

Reflections on 2021 and the Year Ahead

Our CEO, Austin, reflects on a year of new challenges and rapid growth, and offers some insights on a year of progress ahead for climate technology, carbon markets, Climate Neutral certification & more.

Austin Whitman
January 12, 2022

Care What Happened at COP 26? You Should.

With the highly-hyped UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) wrapping up, Climate Neutral’s Austin Whitman reflects on what happened and what comes next.

Austin Whitman
November 18, 2021

Hey, We Have a Blog!

We needed a space to talk about the hows and whys of our work. Now we have one. Thanks for checking it out.

Austin Whitman
June 24, 2021

It's Not Easy Taking Action on Climate Change

Three simple rules to help get to zero-emissions sooner.

Austin Whitman
May 25, 2021

Consumers Versus the Climate

Let’s face it: We need those tickets to heaven. Carbon Offsets may not be the only solution to the climate crisis, but they can help.

Austin Whitman
April 28, 2021

It’s Time for a Consumer Approach to the Climate Crisis

A carbon price is the only way to nudge individuals and companies toward low-carbon choices. It's time for brands and consumers to adopt one for themselves.

Austin Whitman
December 3, 2019