The Power of Climate Leadership in the Face of Federal Opposition to Climate Action

Courtney Morrissette
January 24, 2025
Monday marked Inauguration Day in the U.S, bringing with it a significant shift in climate priorities at the federal level. The incoming administration has signaled that it is not only unwilling to continue the climate momentum created by the last administration, but it will go a step further to reverse climate policies that support the growth of fossil fuels.

The best we can hope for is that, after its initial flurry of actions, the new Congress and president kick climate progress out to the curb and leave it there — where the rest of us will pick it up and keep moving forward.

Although we’re facing a severe short term policy crisis, we’re also still up against a long term climate crisis. The science is clear, and the results even clearer: 2024 was the hottest year on record, and climate impacts such as extreme heatwaves and natural disasters are inescapable.

For the majority of Americans who want to see climate change solutions, the challenge now is to sustain progress and lay the groundwork for the future. The good news is that companies are still free to lead, and they must lead if they want to create strong customer affinity and minimize longer term risks.

Leadership during this period will take many forms. Our research shows that companies are poised to take creative approaches to climate advocacy.

In 2024, for the first time, we asked our certified companies how they engaged in climate advocacy. Their actions — spanning policy influence, employee education, and consumer engagement—demonstrated the versatile power of corporate leadership to drive climate momentum. Here’s what we learned:

  • $10,297,368 was donated to climate-related efforts, in addition to funding for carbon credits and within their value chain and operations.
  • 73% of companies engaged in pro-climate policy advocacy, partnering with organizations like 1% For the Planet, the B Corp Climate Collective, Ceres, and Businesses for Climate Action.
  • 71.7% educated employees on climate issues, incorporating climate topics into employee onboarding, hosting volunteer days, and organizing lunch-and-learns.
  • 91.7% communicated with consumers about climate, with 70% sharing updates at least quarterly via product pages, social media, and email campaigns.

These results astounded us: nearly our entire community was engaged in climate advocacy. We knew climate change had become a part of the consumer conversation, but didn’t expect to find it so pervasive. The numbers demonstrate a growing trend, independent of federal influence. Companies are stepping up because they recognize that their customers care deeply about climate change. Corporate climate advocacy has become a cornerstone of business strategy, and its impact is undeniable.

Corporate advocacy doesn’t just sustain momentum; it also furthers climate action. By engaging in climate advocacy, companies play a critical role in enabling future emission reductions by influencing policymakers, shaping public opinion, and laying the path for technology innovation. Here are some examples we saw from our community:

  • Policy Engagement
    • A number of companies in our community were engaged with Businesses for Climate Action, a coalition of over 1,000 organizations representing $200 billion in annual revenue. This group exemplifies the power of collective lobbying. By urging decisive climate action, they’ve shown how corporate voices amplify the call for a low-carbon economy.
  • Employee Education
    • Companies are empowering their teams through climate-related training, turning all jobs into climate jobs. Initiatives like lunch-and-learns on Climate Neutral Certification, energy efficiency, and waste reduction contribute to a company’s overall emissions reductions, while also equipping employees with the knowledge to make sustainable choices in their personal lives.
  • Consumer Education
    • Companies built trust through climate-related transparency efforts with customers. For example, companies use product pages to highlight emissions data and encourage consumers to consider their environmental impact when making purchases.

The results from our 2024 advocacy questionnaire underscore the critical potential of corporate climate advocacy, and offer impactful suggestions about how businesses can continue to flex their influence through direct financial contributions and information sharing. With more of the same from our community, and those of our partners and allies in this fight, we can be sure that climate change will stay top of mind, even if it’s at the bottom of the priority list for the new administration.

We can all take heart knowing that this action will persist, as we all face the long term prospects of worsening climate change. For the next four years, corporate climate advocacy will be crucial in keeping the conversation alive and progress on track.

Achieving The Climate Label Certification positions companies as leaders in the fight against climate change, even when federal policies falter. Certification verifies climate action, serving as a beacon of progress and a testament to the power of voluntary action.

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About the Author

Courtney Morrissette
Program Manager

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