Our Newest Certified Brands: August 2022

Graham Gephart
August 4, 2022
Congratulations to our newest group of Climate Neutral Certified brands, who successfully completed certification in our latest cycle.

Climate change doesn't stop with Earth Day, and neither do we. No sooner did the dust settle from our first certification cycle of the year, than we set to work with our next group of brands.

For the last three months, they've worked to measure their entire 2021 carbon footprint, calculating all of the emissions that it takes to make and ship their products to your doorstep. They then built reduction action plans to bring down their emissions over the next 12-24 months, and compensated for their entire 2021 carbon footprint by purchasing eligible verified carbon and energy credits to remove/avoid the equivalent amount.

By meeting that standard, these companies can now proudly celebrate becoming Climate Neutral Certified for the first time:

In addition to our newest brands, we're proud to announce another 61 returning brands that completed their annual recertification requirements to be Climate Neutral Certified. These brands commitment to continued work shows their dedication to climate action and accountability to their promises: 

Agua Nea, Ana Luisa, Ananday, Another Tomorrow, Athletic Greens, Avocado Green Mattress, Barrett Dixon Bell Limited, Biome, Bloobloom, Bonterra Organic Vineyards, Boulders Climbing Gym, Bruna, CHNGE, Cool Beans, Dimagi, EarthHero, Ettitude, Fetzer Vineyards, Forsake, GEARTRADE, Grain, Head of Marble, Hibear Outdoors, Hikers Brew Coffee, Hitch, Imagination Media, Kammok, Knickey, KraveBeauty, Leaf Shave, Lifestraw, Mast Furniture, Muir Energy, MyHEAT, Native Maps, Nature Supply Co., Nimble, Nocs Provisions, Nomad, Open Water, Ornot Bike, OSEA Malibu, P.F. Candle Co., Paravel, Petaluma, Preserve, Prose, Pure Brewing, Saie, Salvona, Seed Phytonutrients, Snaplinc Consulting, Stickbulb, Stranda Snowboards, Sunski, Supercharge Ltd, Tripulse, Untold Storytelling, Walrus Oil, Wolven

Hundreds of Certified Brands. Thousands of Certified Products.

How you spend your money matters. It's time to buy differently.

Find Certified Brands

Climate change requires immediate action - there isn't a minute to waste when it comes to removing climate-changing emissions from our global economy. If every company were to measure, offset, and reduce their emissions right now, we could accelerate this journey in a serious way.

Look for the Climate Neutral Certified label when you shop to support the companies that are taking immediate action on climate change. Tell your favorite companies that you want them to #beclimateneutral. Together, we can solve the climate challenge.

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About the Author

A marketing leader and content strategist, Graham brings nearly two decades of media, brand, and nonprofit experience to Climate Neutral’s business and consumer storytelling. A Vermonter transplanted to Seattle, Graham is often found (and only occasionally lost) in the Cascades, working hard to pass his love for the mountains to his young kids.

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